
At Gartec, we are passionate about providing responsible and reliable products and service, this is throughout our business, to our employees where we strive for a great place to work and lend a helping hand where we can. Our product range is made up of sustainable products and we believe in doing our part to make a change in the community.

Gartec Lift Refurbishment


We have gained recognition in the industry for our reliability, always showing integrity and are forward-thinking in our approach as a team and within the range of products we offer; good products at a lower cost option than traditional conventional lift solutions, which makes it a more appealing and affordable solution for everyone and, it is our view that affordable accessibility should be for everyone.

我们很高兴提供建议和知识provide the full service for every home project. We are proud that we can offer a more sustainable, aesthetically desirable option than other lifts to everyone.

Reliability is important when providing a product as a company, but for us it is extremely important, our lifts are carefully selected to be the most reliable option within a home and in the case of any maintenance or parts needed, we have 24/7 UK wide engineers, a Spare Part Department and an emergency 24/7 line, where we can be responsive quickly and efficiently.

Our contribution for Clean Water

Today 2 billion people are forced to still drink unsafe water and 159 million people must drink water from open welds. This results in many different issues such as different illnesses and stomach diseases, which in the best cases leads to a few days of being sick and not being able contribute to the family’s daily needs, and in the worst cases lead to long-term consequences and sometimes to death.

But there are other consequences of not having clean water at hand. Cooking fires to clean water are often a solution that makes parts of the family, most often the girls, to spend several hours in finding firewood and not being able to go to school. The cooking fires are also a large CO2 emission issue, that the Solvatten project indirectly also contributes to limit.

This year we are taking part, together with our product manufacturer Aritco Lift, in contributing to a water cleaning project to families in Uganda called Solvatten (SunWater). Our joint donation resulted in 109 new water cleaning devices.

The 109 units helps a total of 872 people to get clean water for the next coming 7 years. This means about 4,6 million liters of water will be cleaned and heated through the devices. Several hundred children will be able to go to school and get an education instead of collecting wood and potentially there will be 109 tons less of CO2 emissions without the cooking fires needed to clean the water.

The Solvatten water cleaning devices are true innovation, which cleans and heats water in a portable water device via a combination of a unique filter and solar cells. The Solvatten project was rewarded by several organizations as a “true hero-project.” Find outmore.

Covid safety precautions and care

Following Covid-19, we have taken all necessary precautions to continue working and providing an essential part to many homes. Our service engineers are key workers and therefor have continued to work to ensure lifts are operating and our 24/7 emergency line has remained open.

Our teams have continued to provide advice and quotations remotely and we are still able to continue ordering, delivering and installing home lifts safely. With increased pressures and more time spent within the home, it has been essential to continue delivering an excellent level of service and providing lifts.

When attending a home our Service Engineers will call ahead of arrival and wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Because our lifts are x it means they require minimal builders and a very short installation period of 1-5 days with only two engineers therefor we can complete your lift installation within a very short period of time.

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Leading the change

Gartec believe that giving back to the community is an important way to stay connected. Our charity of the year in 2017 and 2018 was Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research Centre, and we have worked with the Honey Bee in Fairford Leys to raise money for the fantastic work that they undertake – from rehabilitation work with spinal injury patients to championing new technology to help with mobility. Our lifts help patients from the centre to be able to fully enjoy their homes again and take the next step in rehabilitation.


Sustainability is taken seriously with the goal to become 100% recyclable. Responsibility starts before the manufacturing process begins and what happens thereafter. Recycled materials such as steel, aluminium and glass are sourced from local responsible suppliers, in order to reduce the CO2 footprint. There is a continuous review on improvement of production methods and distribution.

以及可回收材料,our lift solutions, there are added benefits in cost and time-savings. A conventional lift could take up to six weeks to install, test, commission and handover, in comparison to an Aritco HomeLift taking as little as one week by two Gartec engineers only, providing a real-time reduction in energy, labour and time used for installation by up to five weeks. Once installed the homeowners also benefits from an efficient platform lift, as the Aritco HomeLift uses a very little amount of energy, using less per year than a dishwasher or washing machine when used up to five times a day.

Not only do we offer a great sustainable product, that has been developed with optimum efficiency within the design process, manufacture and through to supply chain. It extends much further within our whole business. We are proud to offer a product with all these great benefits, but we continue this process from installation within a home and for many years thereafter maintaining and servicing the lifts.